The following booking conditions together with the general information contained on our social media platforms and websites (where applicable to your trip) form the basis of your contract with Adventuress In The Wild Ltd. Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. In these booking conditions, “you” and “your” means all persons named on the booking or any of them as applicable (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date) and “departure” means the start date of the trip you have booked with us. 

“We”, “us” and “our” means Adventuress In The Wild Ltd, registered in England and Wales with Company Number 15013477 whose registered office is Chalice House Bromley Road, Elmstead, Colchester, England, CO7 7BY

“Supplier(s)” Means the company or person that is holding or providing the event or any part of it.

“Price” Means the total cost of the event.


These are the terms which will apply when booking a trip with us.

A booking is made with us when you pay us a deposit (or full payment if requested) and we issue you with a booking confirmation. We reserve the right to return your deposit and decline to issue a booking confirmation at our absolute discretion. A binding contract will come into existence between you and us as soon as we have issued you with a booking confirmation that will confirm the details of your booking and will be sent to you.

The balance of the cost of your arrangements (including any applicable surcharge) is due not less than 60 days prior to scheduled departure. If we do not receive this balance in full and on time, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you in which case the cancellation charges as listed below.

For any trips or events that are organised by third party Supplier(s), you will enter into a contract with the Supplier(s) (e.g. tour operator) Which will be clear prior to booking. As agents we accept no responsibility for the acts or oversights of the Supplier(s) or for the services provided by them. The Supplier’s Terms & Conditions will apply to your booking so it is advised that you read these carefully as they contain important information about your booking. Please ask us for copies of these if you do not have them. 

When you make a booking you guarantee that you have the authority to accept, and do accept, on behalf of your party these Booking Conditions. In order to confirm your trip, you must pay a deposit to us or the Supplier(s) of the arrangements (or full payment if requested at the time of booking) Deposits are used by us to enter into the contractual arrangements on your behalf and are non refundable. Your booking is confirmed and a contract between you and us or the Supplier(s) will exist when you are sent confirmation of your booking. Please check your confirmation carefully and inform us of any incorrect or incomplete information immediately. The booking information that you provide to us will be passed on only to the relevant Supplier(s) of your trip or other persons necessary for the delivery of your trip. We work with Supplier(s) including instructors, activity providers and tour operators


Any personal information that we collect about you will be handled as per our Privacy Policy and may be used for any purpose related to the booking services and the execution of your trip. In making a booking you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant Supplier(s) to allow the delivery of your trip or, if permitted by any relevant Spam laws, to send you marketing material in relation to our other events and special offers.  When booking with overseas Supplier(s), you are agreeing to allow us to pass your details onto them. These Operators may receive your personal information in the country in which they will provide the services to you or in which their business is located. 

To see how the Supplier(s) will handle your information, please view their Privacy Policy.

You are responsible for reviewing this Privacy Policy  periodically and informing yourself of any changes. 


If you have paid a deposit, you must pay the full balance by the balance due date notified to you. You will be advised upon contact if the supplier offers a staggered payment plan. If full payment is not received by the balance due date, we or our Supplier(s) may cancel your booking and charge the cancellation fees set out in the booking conditions. Some bookings will require full payment upon booking. Our Supplier(s) also reserve the right to cancel a booking if full payment is not received by the balance due date.


Adventuress in the Wild Limited is a member of Protected Trust Services (PTS) and is fully compliant with their code of conduct. PTS provide 100% financial protection for our clients, regardless of what travel arrangements have been booked or how much has been paid.

All monies paid to Adventuress in the Wild Limited are secured into the PTS Adventuress in the Wild Trust Account and guaranteed by Protected Trust Services. In the unlikely event of our insolvency, money paid in respect of future travel will be refunded in full. Our PTS membership number is 6048. For further information go to:


While we make great efforts to ensure that the information on our website and across our social platforms is as accurate as possible, details are often published many months before your trip takes place. 

We reserve the right to amend information on the website and elsewhere and any information they contain.

If relevant, you will be informed of any changes before booking. We are only responsible for information contained within our own posts across social platforms and websites. We are not responsible for third party information from other sources. 


If you choose to cancel or attempt to amend your booking, you must pay any costs and charges incurred or imposed by us or any of our Supplier(s) in making the change requested. Please note that where part or full payment has been made, the Supplier(s) may not allow the amendment that you have requested and may impose cancellation conditions. The details of this will be outlined in the Supplier(s) Booking Conditions. 

If cancelling a trip with us, the cancellation the following fees will be charged

More than 62 days prior to departure Deposit only
42 – 61 days prior to departure 35% of holiday cost
28 – 41 days prior to departure 50% of holiday cost
14 – 27 days prior to departure 75% of holiday cost
Less than 14 days prior to departure 100% of holiday cost

If wishing to cancel or change your booking please contact us at with the name your booking is under, title, and dates of the trip. 


Whilst we hope you will never have your holiday cancelled, this may occasionally happen and our Supplier(s) and Adventuress in the Wild Ltd reserve the right to to do so, therefore it is advised that you ensure that cancellation cover is included in your insurance policy. The terms and refund policy for our third party Supplier(s) will be laid out in their Booking Conditions. 

An event may be cancelled in the event of the following,

for safety reasons if we or our supplier(s) regard adverse weather conditions or other safety concerns as unacceptable and which cannot reasonably be overcome; If we reasonably believe that you may cause harm or damage to our reputation or to the reputation of our suppliers or to property belonging to our suppliers; If a supplier or suppliers are unable to host the event for any reason; If changes you wish to make to the booking mean it is uneconomical or impractical to hold the event. If we cancel the whole of the event we shall use our best endeavours to rearrange the event on a mutually convenient date, or provide a refund to you of the cost to us of the event.  

Some trips will be dependent on minimum numbers. If the minimum number of participants fail to book onto the trip, then the trip may be cancelled or rescheduled. 

In the event of any cancellation, there will be no claim for damages by either party against the other and we or our Supplier(s) are not responsible for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred as a result of your booking including but not limited to visas, vaccinations, travel insurance excess or non-refundable flights. 


If due to circumstances beyond our control it becomes necessary to substitute an alternative supplier, or make any other alterations to the event (including accommodation) we shall inform you of the changes as soon as possible. You must pay any additional cost due to such changes. If the changes are, in our view are so substantial as to materially alter the event and you are unwilling to accept them then you may cancel the event and we will give a refund of the cost of the event to us. Surcharges may be applicable where an event requires a minimum number of participants to proceed, and the group does not meet this minimum number. This could lead to the cancellation of the event of which we are not held responsible and alternatives may be offered of an equal or greater value. If this value is greater, then you must pay us the difference in price. If the final number of a group is an odd number, then a single supplement surcharge will apply if the booking or an event (including accommodation) which is number dependent.

For Supplier(s) alteration terms, please refer to their booking terms.


You shall at all times behave in a safe, responsible and courteous manner; comply with all instructions; regulations and codes of practice issued by us or our suppliers; ensure that you comply with all age restrictions imposed by our suppliers; ensure that you comply with all arrival times, and dress appropriately for the event. If you breach these obligations we may cancel or curtail the event or any part of it and in those circumstances you shall not be entitled to any refund. You shall take out insurance suitable for your needs (including delays for events involving travel by land, sea, or air) before the event.


These Booking Terms and Conditions are governed by English Law with any action arising out of it being subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


Breakfast is not included with accommodation bookings unless otherwise stated. The type of breakfast you will receive will be confirmed upon arrival at your accommodation (this may be hot or cold regardless of your quotation). Restaurant meals may require a pre-order to be completed by the lead name of the group. This should be completed and returned to us, or the venue as required. If a pre-order has not been completed, we accept no liability for meals not provided or delays in providing the meals for you. You will not automatically be sent any menus and menus may be of limited choice from a set-menu for groups. We will endeavour to meet any specialist dietary requests for any member of your group, but cannot guarantee these requests. We accept no liability if our suppliers are unable to meet these requests in advance, or once at the venue. If your group arrives late then we accept no liability.


Please be aware that some of the activities included in your trip or our events may be physically strenuous and will require a good level of fitness. We aim to provide trips for a variety of different levels of ability, so it is advised to choose a trip that fits your capabilities. We strive to provide as much information as possible about each event, and it is your responsibility to read the information prior to booking 

It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of all recommended and required vaccinations and health precautions in good time before departure. Details are available from your GP surgery, travel clinics and from the National Travel Health Network and Centre

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of all necessary travel and health documents before departure, this also includes COVID requirements. All costs incurred in obtaining such documentation must be paid by you. We regret we cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry correct documentation. If failure to have any necessary travel or other documents results in fines, surcharges or other financial penalty being imposed on us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly.

For up-to-date travel advice from the UK government, visit, which you are recommended to consult before booking and in good time before departure.

If travelling with medication, The National Travel Health Network and Centre has also produced a fact sheet on carrying medication, as some drugs which may be legal in the UK are prohibited in other countries.

It is your responsibility to contact the relevant foreign embassy to clarify any restrictions before travel.

The NaTHNaC fact sheet can be found here: Unless there are restrictions imposed, you should carry all essential medicines in your hand luggage in case of any delays with your hold bags.


The minimum age for our trips is 18. There is no maximum age limit, however the activities involved may require a good level of physical fitness. 


Please ensure that you are fully aware of all passport and visa requirements and that you allow adequate time to obtain them. We recommend that you travel with a passport that has a minimum validity of 6 months remaining at all times. This is an immigration requirement for many countries and airlines. Please let us know if you will not have the recommended validity whilst travelling.


We consider adequate and appropriate travel insurance to be a prerequisite to booking. You and your belongings are at all times solely at your own risk. You must ensure that you have personal travel insurance with protection for the full duration of the trip in respect of at least medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation, cancellation and curtailment, with adequate and appropriate cover including medical emergency repatriation.

You must ensure that all travel insurance purchased meets your particular requirements and you should arrange supplementary insurance if need be.

Please read your policy details carefully and take them with you on holiday. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance you purchase provides adequate cover, especially where adventurous activities are concerned. We do not check insurance policies and cannot be liable for any expenses incurred as a result of your not having adequate, appropriate or valid insurance cover. 


We work with Supplier(s) who comply with Package Travel Regulations 2018 who hold Financial Protection Insurance or protect customer funds in a dedicated Trust Account. This ensures that your money is protected and can be returned if Supplier insolvency should occur. 


If you have any reasonable special requests please let us know at time of booking and we will pass this on to our Supplier(s), however we cannot guarantee that the request will be granted. Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part unless the request has been specifically confirmed.


We do not make any travel arrangements for you to arrive or depart from the trip you have booked. Arriving at the starting location of the trip is entirely your own responsibility. If the travel method booked or taken is disrupted and you fail to attend the trip, we, or our Supplier(s)s will not be held liable. If arriving late or leaving early from a trip, the part of the trip missed will not be compensated. 


From time to time, guides, customers and Supplier(s) may take photographs or videos during a trip and these may feature our guests. These pictures may be used in future marketing materials by us or our suppliers (across various platforms) and stored digitally and physically. You will not be identified in any photographs or video unless you agree to our doing so but we appreciate you may be recognised by someone who knows you. If you do not want to be filmed or have your photograph taken for use in this way, please inform the relevant guides/suppliers/photographers/other group members during your trip.


Where we are acting as an agent of the Supplier(s). Those Supplier(s) provide these services in relation with their own terms and conditions, therefore we do not accept responsibility or liability for the execution of the trip itself. Your booking contract is between you and the Supplier and the Suppliers T&Cs must be checked thoroughly before booking.

When your booking is made with us, we shall take reasonable care and skill in arranging the event and comply with all applicable laws in relation to the event; where ever possible, re-schedule the event instead of cancelling or offer a refund to you of the cost to us of the event. All of the photographs and illustrations we use on our website and in literature (including quotations) we send you are for marketing purposes and may not entirely represent the actual products received.


If a problem arises during your trip, please inform the Supplier(s) or your guide immediately to ensure that they have the opportunity to resolve the issue. If they fail to do so you must contact them immediately by emailing so that we are given an opportunity to assist. Adventuress In The Wild Ltd will not be held responsible for the non-performance of an itinerary through causes beyond our control or when we are not notified of a problem at the point when remedial action can be taken. In the unlikely event that a complaint cannot be resolved at the time, you should contact us within 28 days of returning from your trip, providing us with all of the information of what took place. If you fail to take any of these steps to resolve any issue then any right you may have to receive compensation from the Supplier(s) will be reduced or completely invalidated.


Except where otherwise expressly stated in these Booking Conditions we will not be liable or pay you compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by “Force Majeure”. For the purposes of these Booking Conditions, Force Majeure means any event beyond our or our Supplier’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples include warfare and acts of terrorism (and threat thereof), civil strife, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the travel destination or remain at the travel destination, any event which we or the Supplier(s) of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. These events can include, but are not limited to war, threat of war, civil strife terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, industrial dispute, labour strikes, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster, and adverse weather conditions, epidemics and pandemics or other health emergency, unavoidable technical problems with transport and all similar events outside our or the supplier(s) concerned’s control. Advice from the Foreign Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute Force Majeure.